It's about time I started bitching to even more people about the state of Westernized (Boston) yoga. Tomorrow is my first day of teacher training at Boston's Back Bay Yoga Studio. I am at once thrilled and horrified. I have taken stool softener to ensure a thorough evacuation before I must publicly rotate my pelvis over my fupa. I am scared.
More importantly I am fuelled by a bit of anger. I have spent my life in a larger body, and paid the price for it. I will not bore you with the details of how our culture insists that larger women are undeserving of love, how we are somehow less than, and treated as a sub species. I want to bring yoga to a population of women that have felt scared, unwelcome or excluded by a practice that tends to favor the *ahem* rich white and thin. I will be teaching special modifications for those of us with larger breasts, belly owners and hip-havers. I'm also going to be taking special training in Trauma Sensitive Yoga from Kripalu after my initial certification. I'll teach some free classes at Rosie's place, and some free public modification workshops.
It will take me swallowing my fat shame to take my rightful place on my mat and in this training. I will be the only woman of size. I will not have the right clothes, the right body or the right moves. I will have the right heart and a clear, sober, open mind.
I will also be keeping tabs on yoga products, teachers, modifications, personal diatribes, benadryl induced rants and perhaps some coconut water tips.
Wish me luck, and I will let you know how Mama Rosa fares on day one.